Thursday, February 21, 2019

Short haired brunette woman in the train looks boring

I like to travel but sometimes it's boring especially when you trip by the train for a long distance. I am a normal ordinary married woman having a few kids. Love vivid colors. Here is one of my everyday colorful tight dresses. And it is very comfortable and practical. Then please excuse me for that sad face expression (it was the second day travelling by the train). 

Please rate me from 1 to 10 (highest). Please write your comment with the rate below. Thank you and I try to be more cheerful next time :)


  1. I'll give you an 8.5. You are very pretty and have a lovely figure. Smile next time and I'll bump that up some!

  2. Smile beautiful and where some nylons and let me see your pretty legs and feet.

  3. Easy 8, lovely slender sexy figure. Love your small breasts, perfect! And as a long time leg man, from what you're showing you have enticing and lovely legs. Calls for short dresses and scrappy sandals to let them be seen, especially with a quick flash of a peek between them!������
