Thursday, April 18, 2019

Brunette in black dress and heels together with juicy pantyhosed legs

Hi! I have been looking through my photos recently and come upon this one dated as back as more than 3 years ago. My appearance has not almost changed since that time, but I really want you to give me some comments and rates. My husband took this pic when I was posing at home. What can you say about my outlook and probably you would like to notice my dark hair, or me black necklace, or my tight black dress with long sleeves, or my jewelry, or my juicy legs in pantyhose, or my heels. It's up to you!

Please rate me from 1 to 10 (highest). Please write your rates and opinions in comments below. P.S. Special thanks to the blog admins for submitting my post and helping with editing and publishing!


  1. Only natural that a lady with legs like this could give a guy a hard on just the thought of spending time with me and her would be awesome

  2. Legs and heels are top notch... Rub cream on them often 😁


  4. Sweetie, I love your wonderful dress, hosiery, hair, makeup, shoes, everything! The only criticism I would provide is your choice of background. You are much to beautiful and shapely to be shown on a couple of dining room chairs! Next time, maybe try osme red satin sheets draped over a sofa or something so you can get comfortable but still provide a ravishing contrast to that sexy body and dress you have! XOXOXO♥♥♥
